


幸いなことに、そうする方法を学ぶことはそれほど難しいことではありません。この記事では、Python、C ++、およびJavaScriptを使用して単利と複利を計算する方法を学習します。




Simple Interest = (P x R x T)/100
P = Principle Amount
R = Rate
T = Time


あなたは与えられます 原則金額金利 、 と 時間 。与えられた値の単純な利息を計算して印刷する必要があります。 :principle = 1000、rate = 7、timePeriod = 2とします。SimpleInterest=(principle * rate * timePeriod)/ 100 =(1000 * 7 * 2)/ 100 = 140。したがって、出力は140になります。

単純な利息を計算するC ++プログラム

以下は、単純な利息を計算するためのC ++プログラムです。

// C++ program to calculate simple interest
// for given principle amount, time, and rate of interest.
using namespace std;
// Function to calculate simple interest
float calculateSimpleInterest(float principle, float rate, float timePeriod)
return (principle * rate * timePeriod) / 100;

int main()
float principle1 = 1000;
float rate1 = 7;
float timePeriod1 = 2;
cout << 'Test case: 1' << endl;
cout << 'Principle amount: ' << principle1 << endl;
cout << 'Rate of interest: ' << rate1 << endl;
cout << 'Time period: ' << timePeriod1 << endl;
cout << 'Simple Interest: ' << calculateSimpleInterest(principle1, rate1, timePeriod1) << endl;
float principle2 = 5000;
float rate2 = 5;
float timePeriod2 = 1;
cout << 'Test case: 2' << endl;
cout << 'Principle amount: ' << principle2 << endl;
cout << 'Rate of interest: ' << rate2 << endl;
cout << 'Time period: ' << timePeriod2 << endl;
cout << 'Simple Interest: ' << calculateSimpleInterest(principle2, rate2, timePeriod2) << endl;
float principle3 = 5800;
float rate3 = 4;
float timePeriod3 = 6;
cout << 'Test case: 3' << endl;
cout << 'Principle amount: ' << principle3 << endl;
cout << 'Rate of interest: ' << rate3 << endl;
cout << 'Time period: ' << timePeriod3 << endl;
cout << 'Simple Interest: ' << calculateSimpleInterest(principle3, rate3, timePeriod3) << endl;
return 0;


Test case: 1
Principle amount: 1000
Rate of interest: 7
Time period: 2
Simple Interest: 140
Test case: 2
Principle amount: 5000
Rate of interest: 5
Time period: 1
Simple Interest: 250
Test case: 3
Principle amount: 5800
Rate of interest: 4
Time period: 6
Simple Interest: 1392

関連:C ++、Python、JavaScriptで自然数のすべての要素を見つける方法



# Python program to calculate simple interest
# for given principle amount, time, and rate of interest.
# Function to calculate simple interest
def calculateSimpleInterest(principle, rate, timePeriod):
return (principle * rate * timePeriod) / 100

principle1 = 1000
rate1 = 7
timePeriod1 = 2
print('Test case: 1')
print('Principle amount:', principle1)
print('Rate of interest:', rate1)
print('Time period:', timePeriod1)
print('Simple Interest:', calculateSimpleInterest(principle1, rate1, timePeriod1))
principle2 = 5000
rate2 = 5
timePeriod2 = 1
print('Test case: 2')
print('Principle amount:', principle2)
print('Rate of interest:', rate2)
print('Time period:', timePeriod2)
print('Simple Interest:', calculateSimpleInterest(principle2, rate2, timePeriod2))
principle3 = 5800
rate3 = 4
timePeriod3 = 6
print('Test case: 3')
print('Principle amount:', principle3)
print('Rate of interest:', rate3)
print('Time period:', timePeriod3)
print('Simple Interest:', calculateSimpleInterest(principle3, rate3, timePeriod3))


Test case: 1
Principle amount: 1000
Rate of interest: 7
Time period: 2
Simple Interest: 140.0
Test case: 2
Principle amount: 5000
Rate of interest: 5
Time period: 1
Simple Interest: 250.0
Test case: 3
Principle amount: 5800
Rate of interest: 4
Time period: 6
Simple Interest: 1392.0

関連している: さまざまなプログラミング言語でFizzBu​​zzチャレンジを完了する方法



// JavaScript program to calculate simple interest
// for given principle amount, time, and rate of interest.
// Function to calculate simple interest
function calculateSimpleInterest(principle, rate, timePeriod) {
return (principle * rate * timePeriod) / 100;
var principle1 = 1000;
var rate1 = 7;
var timePeriod1 = 2;
document.write('Test case: 1' + '
document.write('Principle amount: ' + principle1 + '
document.write('Rate of interest: ' + rate1 + '
document.write('Time period: ' + timePeriod1 + '
document.write('Simple Interest: ' + calculateSimpleInterest(principle1, rate1, timePeriod1) + '
var principle2 = 5000;
var rate2 = 5;
var timePeriod2 = 1;
document.write('Test case: 2' + '
document.write('Principle amount: ' + principle2 + '
document.write('Rate of interest: ' + rate2 + '
document.write('Time period: ' + timePeriod2 + '
document.write('Simple Interest: ' + calculateSimpleInterest(principle2, rate2, timePeriod2) + '
var principle3 = 5800;
var rate3 = 4;
var timePeriod3 = 6;
document.write('Test case: 3' + '
document.write('Principle amount: ' + principle3 + '
document.write('Rate of interest: ' + rate3 + '
document.write('Time period: ' + timePeriod3 + '
document.write('Simple Interest: ' + calculateSimpleInterest(principle3, rate3, timePeriod3) + '


Test case: 1
Principle amount: 1000
Rate of interest: 7
Time period: 2
Simple Interest: 140
Test case: 2
Principle amount: 5000
Rate of interest: 5
Time period: 1
Simple Interest: 250
Test case: 3
Principle amount: 5800
Rate of interest: 4
Time period: 6
Simple Interest: 1392



Amount= P(1 + R/100)T
Compound Interest = Amount – P
P = Principle Amount
R = Rate
T = Time


あなたは与えられます 原則金額金利 、 と 時間 。指定された値の複利を計算して印刷する必要があります。 :原則= 1000、レート= 7、timePeriod = 2とします。金額= P(1 + R / 100)T = 1144.9複利=金額-原則金額= 1144.9-1000 = 144.9したがって、出力は144.9になります。

複利を計算するC ++プログラム

以下は、複利を計算するためのC ++プログラムです。

// C++ program to calculate compound interest
// for given principle amount, time, and rate of interest.
using namespace std;
// Function to calculate compound interest
float calculateCompoundInterest(float principle, float rate, float timePeriod)
double amount = principle * (pow((1 + rate / 100), timePeriod));
return amount - principle;
int main()
float principle1 = 1000;
float rate1 = 7;
float timePeriod1 = 2;
cout << 'Test case: 1' << endl;
cout << 'Principle amount: ' << principle1 << endl;
cout << 'Rate of interest: ' << rate1 << endl;
cout << 'Time period: ' << timePeriod1 << endl;
cout << 'Compound Interest: ' << calculateCompoundInterest(principle1, rate1, timePeriod1) << endl;
float principle2 = 5000;
float rate2 = 5;
float timePeriod2 = 1;
cout << 'Test case: 2' << endl;
cout << 'Principle amount: ' << principle2 << endl;
cout << 'Rate of interest: ' << rate2 << endl;
cout << 'Time period: ' << timePeriod2 << endl;
cout << 'Compound Interest: ' << calculateCompoundInterest(principle2, rate2, timePeriod2) << endl;
float principle3 = 5800;
float rate3 = 4;
float timePeriod3 = 6;
cout << 'Test case: 3' << endl;
cout << 'Principle amount: ' << principle3 << endl;
cout << 'Rate of interest: ' << rate3 << endl;
cout << 'Time period: ' << timePeriod3 << endl;
cout << 'Compound Interest: ' << calculateCompoundInterest(principle3, rate3, timePeriod3) << endl;
return 0;


Test case: 1
Principle amount: 1000
Rate of interest: 7
Time period: 2
Compound Interest: 144.9
Test case: 2
Principle amount: 5000
Rate of interest: 5
Time period: 1
Compound Interest: 250
Test case: 3
Principle amount: 5800
Rate of interest: 4
Time period: 6
Compound Interest: 1538.85

関連している: C ++、Python、JavaScriptで配列を逆にする方法




# Python program to calculate compound interest
# for given principle amount, time, and rate of interest.
# Function to calculate compound interest
def calculateCompoundInterest(principle, rate, timePeriod):
amount = principle * (pow((1 + rate / 100), timePeriod))
return amount - principle
principle1 = 1000
rate1 = 7
timePeriod1 = 2
print('Test case: 1')
print('Principle amount:', principle1)
print('Rate of interest:', rate1)
print('Time period:', timePeriod1)
print('Compound Interest:', calculateCompoundInterest(principle1, rate1, timePeriod1))
principle2 = 5000
rate2 = 5
timePeriod2 = 1
print('Test case: 2')
print('Principle amount:', principle2)
print('Rate of interest:', rate2)
print('Time period:', timePeriod2)
print('Compound Interest:', calculateCompoundInterest(principle2, rate2, timePeriod2))
principle3 = 5800
rate3 = 4
timePeriod3 = 6
print('Test case: 3')
print('Principle amount:', principle3)
print('Rate of interest:', rate3)
print('Time period:', timePeriod3)
print('Compound Interest:', calculateCompoundInterest(principle3, rate3, timePeriod3))


Test case: 1
Principle amount: 1000
Rate of interest: 7
Time period: 2
Compound Interest: 144.9000000000001
Test case: 2
Principle amount: 5000
Rate of interest: 5
Time period: 1
Compound Interest: 250.0
Test case: 3
Principle amount: 5800
Rate of interest: 4
Time period: 6
Compound Interest: 1538.8503072768026

関連している: 配列内のすべての要素の合計を見つける方法



// JavaScript program to calculate compound interest
// for given principle amount, time, and rate of interest.

// Function to calculate compound interest
function calculateCompoundInterest(principle, rate, timePeriod) {
var amount = principle * (Math.pow((1 + rate / 100), timePeriod));
return amount - principle;
var principle1 = 1000;
var rate1 = 7;
var timePeriod1 = 2;
document.write('Test case: 1' + '
document.write('Principle amount: ' + principle1 + '
document.write('Rate of interest: ' + rate1 + '
document.write('Time period: ' + timePeriod1 + '
document.write('Compound Interest: ' + calculateCompoundInterest(principle1, rate1, timePeriod1) + '
var principle2 = 5000;
var rate2 = 5;
var timePeriod2 = 1;
document.write('Test case: 2' + '
document.write('Principle amount: ' + principle2 + '
document.write('Rate of interest: ' + rate2 + '
document.write('Time period: ' + timePeriod2 + '
document.write('Compound Interest: ' + calculateCompoundInterest(principle2, rate2, timePeriod2) + '
var principle3 = 5800;
var rate3 = 4;
var timePeriod3 = 6;
document.write('Test case: 3' + '
document.write('Principle amount: ' + principle3 + '
document.write('Rate of interest: ' + rate3 + '
document.write('Time period: ' + timePeriod3 + '
document.write('Compound Interest: ' + calculateCompoundInterest(principle3, rate3, timePeriod3) + '


Test case: 1
Principle amount: 1000
Rate of interest: 7
Time period: 2
Compound Interest: 144.9000000000001
Test case: 2
Principle amount: 5000
Rate of interest: 5
Time period: 1
Compound Interest: 250
Test case: 3
Principle amount: 5800
Rate of interest: 4
Time period: 6
Compound Interest: 1538.8503072768008


今日、コーディングの影響は指数関数的に増加しています。そしてこれに伴い、熟練したコーダーの需要も飛躍的に高まっています。人々の間には、高額の料金を支払って初めてコーディングを学ぶことができるという誤解があります。しかし、それは真実ではありません。 freeCodeCamp、Khan Academy、YouTubeなどのプラットフォームから完全に無料でコーディングする方法を学ぶことができます。ですから、大きな予算がなくても、逃す心配はありません。

共有 共有 つぶやき Eメール 無料でコーディングする方法を学ぶための7つの最良の方法


  • プログラミング
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • コーディングチュートリアル
著者について ユブラジチャンドラ(60件の記事が公開されました)




